Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Overdrive Media Console – Error: 0x80070057 The Parameter is incorrect

This can be corrected by resetting the Digital Rights Management (DRM) for Windows Media Player.

Please follow these steps carefully as this is an involved process. The steps vary depending upon which Operating System you use. The steps for Windows 7 and 8.

  1. Open the 'Control Panel'.
  2. Open 'Folder Options' and select the 'View' tab.
  3. Select 'Show hidden files and folders'.
  4. Uncheck 'Hide protected operating system files'.
  5. In the warning message you receive, click 'Yes'.
  6. Click 'OK'.
  7. Close the Control Panel.
  8. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to: c:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\DRM
  9. Delete ONLY the following 4 files:
    • blackbox.bin
    • drmstore.hds
    • v3ks.bla
    • v3ks.sec
  10. Close Windows Explorer
  11. Open Internet Explorer as Administrator ((hold down SHIFT key and right-click on the icon, select the Run as Administrator).
  12. Go to this address:
  13. Click the Upgrade button and follow the prompts to finish.
  14. Overdrive Media Console should be able to play the protected content now.

Good luck!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Configure Apache HTTP Server Plug-In with Weblogic Server


  • Apache HTTP Server 2.2 or newer is already running as Windows service on default port 80
  • Weblogic 10.3 or newer

I am using Apache 2.2 and Weblogic 12c for this post and demonstrating to access the Weblogic Console via Apache HTTP Server.

Steps to configure Apache HTTP Server Plug-In with Weblogic server

1. Identify the plug-in shared object file for your version of Apache in below table.

Apache Version
Regular Strength Encryption
128-bit Encryption

Standard Apache Version 2.0.x


Standard Apache Version 2.2.x

2. Verify that the WebLogic Server Apache HTTP Server Plug-In mod_so.c module is enabled.

The Apache HTTP Server Plug-In will be installed in your Apache installation as a Dynamic Shared Object (DSO). DSO support in Apache is based on module mod_so.c, which must be enabled before is loaded. If you installed Apache HTTP Server using the script supplied by Apache, mod_so.c is already enabled. Verify that mod_so.c is enabled by executing the following command:

%APACHE_HOME%\bin\httpd.exe -l

-- Where APACHE_HOME is the directory containing your Apache installation

3. Copy the appropriate Weblogic Proxy plug-ins from Weblogic Installation to Apache installation.

Windows: %WEBLOGIC_HOME%\server\plugin\win\32\ to %APACHE_HOME%\modules\10.3\

Solaris:  $WEBLOGIC_HOME/server/plugin/solaris/sparc/ to %APACHE_HOME%/modules/10.3/

Note: To differentiate the version of Weblogic proxy plug-ins, create a directory named with Weblogic version under %APACHE_HOME%/modules

4. Install the Apache HTTP Server Plug-In module for Apache

Add the following line to your APACHE_HOME/conf/httpd.conf file manually:

#Weblogic Module
LoadModule weblogic_module modules/

5. Modify and add the configuration below to the same APACHE_HOME/conf/httpd.conf

Modify the setting per your requirement. In my example below I am trying to access Weblogic console via Apache re-direction.

<IfModule mod_weblogic.c>
  WebLogicCluster   <servername>:<port number>
  MatchExpression    *.jsp
  Debug                    ON
  WLLogFile               c:/temp/global_proxy.log
  WLTempDir             "c:\temp"
  DebugConfigInfo     On
  KeepAliveEnabled     ON
  KeepAliveSecs         10

<Location /console>
  SetHandler weblogic-handler

The Apache HTTP Server Plug-In recognizes the parameters listed in General Parameters for Web Server Plug-Ins. To modify the behavior of your Apache HTTP Server Plug-In, define these parameters:

-- In a Location block, for parameters that apply to proxying by path, or
-- In an IfModule block, for parameters that apply to proxying by MIME type

6. Verify the the configurations in the APACHE_HOME\conf\httpd.conf file is accurate

Use the following command:
%APACHE_HOME%\bin\httpd.exe –t

The output of this command reports any errors in your httpd.conf file or returns:
Syntax OK

7. Restart Apache HTTP Server
8. Test the plug-in

Open a browser and setting the URL to the Apache Server + ":" + <port> + “/console”, which should bring up the default WebLogic Server HTML page, welcome file, or default servlet, as defined for the default Web Application on WebLogic Server.

For example:

9. Success!!!

How to DISABLE and ENABLE Production Mode in WebLogic domain for WebLogic 9 & above

Way to toggle between prod and dev mode for Weblogic

WebLogic Issues & Solutions: How to DISABLE and ENABLE Production Mode in WebLogic domain for WebLogic 9 & above

Monday, June 3, 2013

Remove Windows 8 Build Watermark

There is a long way, and there is the short way. I personally prefer the short way. :) Download the file from Softpedia here, and it's gone. If you prefer the hard way, then google it.