Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Configure Apache HTTP Server Plug-In with Weblogic Server


  • Apache HTTP Server 2.2 or newer is already running as Windows service on default port 80
  • Weblogic 10.3 or newer

I am using Apache 2.2 and Weblogic 12c for this post and demonstrating to access the Weblogic Console via Apache HTTP Server.

Steps to configure Apache HTTP Server Plug-In with Weblogic server

1. Identify the plug-in shared object file for your version of Apache in below table.

Apache Version
Regular Strength Encryption
128-bit Encryption

Standard Apache Version 2.0.x

  • mod_wl_20.so
  • mod_wl128_20.so

Standard Apache Version 2.2.x

  • mod_wl_22.so
  • mod_wl128_22.so
2. Verify that the WebLogic Server Apache HTTP Server Plug-In mod_so.c module is enabled.

The Apache HTTP Server Plug-In will be installed in your Apache installation as a Dynamic Shared Object (DSO). DSO support in Apache is based on module mod_so.c, which must be enabled before mod_wl_20.so is loaded. If you installed Apache HTTP Server using the script supplied by Apache, mod_so.c is already enabled. Verify that mod_so.c is enabled by executing the following command:

%APACHE_HOME%\bin\httpd.exe -l

-- Where APACHE_HOME is the directory containing your Apache installation

3. Copy the appropriate Weblogic Proxy plug-ins from Weblogic Installation to Apache installation.

Windows: %WEBLOGIC_HOME%\server\plugin\win\32\mod_wl_22.so to %APACHE_HOME%\modules\10.3\mod_wl_22.so

Solaris:  $WEBLOGIC_HOME/server/plugin/solaris/sparc/mod_wl_22.so to %APACHE_HOME%/modules/10.3/mod_wl_22.so

Note: To differentiate the version of Weblogic proxy plug-ins, create a directory named with Weblogic version under %APACHE_HOME%/modules

4. Install the Apache HTTP Server Plug-In module for Apache

Add the following line to your APACHE_HOME/conf/httpd.conf file manually:

#Weblogic Module
LoadModule weblogic_module modules/mod_wl_20.so

5. Modify and add the configuration below to the same APACHE_HOME/conf/httpd.conf

Modify the setting per your requirement. In my example below I am trying to access Weblogic console via Apache re-direction.

<IfModule mod_weblogic.c>
  WebLogicCluster   <servername>:<port number>
  MatchExpression    *.jsp
  Debug                    ON
  WLLogFile               c:/temp/global_proxy.log
  WLTempDir             "c:\temp"
  DebugConfigInfo     On
  KeepAliveEnabled     ON
  KeepAliveSecs         10

<Location /console>
  SetHandler weblogic-handler

The Apache HTTP Server Plug-In recognizes the parameters listed in General Parameters for Web Server Plug-Ins. To modify the behavior of your Apache HTTP Server Plug-In, define these parameters:

-- In a Location block, for parameters that apply to proxying by path, or
-- In an IfModule block, for parameters that apply to proxying by MIME type

6. Verify the the configurations in the APACHE_HOME\conf\httpd.conf file is accurate

Use the following command:
%APACHE_HOME%\bin\httpd.exe –t

The output of this command reports any errors in your httpd.conf file or returns:
Syntax OK

7. Restart Apache HTTP Server
8. Test the plug-in

Open a browser and setting the URL to the Apache Server + ":" + <port> + “/console”, which should bring up the default WebLogic Server HTML page, welcome file, or default servlet, as defined for the default Web Application on WebLogic Server.

For example:

9. Success!!!

How to DISABLE and ENABLE Production Mode in WebLogic domain for WebLogic 9 & above

Way to toggle between prod and dev mode for Weblogic

WebLogic Issues & Solutions: How to DISABLE and ENABLE Production Mode in WebLogic domain for WebLogic 9 & above

Monday, June 3, 2013

Remove Windows 8 Build Watermark

There is a long way, and there is the short way. I personally prefer the short way. :) Download the file from Softpedia here, and it's gone. If you prefer the hard way, then google it.